
We permanently continue to improve ourselves for you - the milestones of our story...

Follow our former company way viewing our milestones: landmark decisions, formative events and completed major projects.
Just click on the corresponding date or image to view the milestone behind it.

Special Fields Meas. Instruments

  • First online shop for professional hydrometric measurement instruments – September 1999 
    • First online shop for professional hydrometric measurement instruments on the Internet at www.hydrometrie.de

  • Completion of the first hydrological major project "Pumpspeicherwerk Hohenwarte II" in Thuringia June 2000 –
    • Completion of the first hydrological major project "Pumpspeicherwerk Hohenwarte II" in Thuringia
  • Exploration of mineral water  February 2001 –
    • Exploration of mineral water for the Urbacher Mineralquellen, completion of the well „B7“.

  • – August 2001 
    • Completion of the first online visualization of measurement data in the intranet of Urbacher Mineralquellen.

      Development of the first release of the GSG BPM system. (BPM = well and production management)

  • Completion of the biggest PPP project in Bavaria June 2004 –
    • Completion of the biggest PPP project in Bavaria: Total geotechnical report for the bypass Miltenberg

  • October 2004 –
    • Exploration of mineral water from two new wells for the company RhönSprudel

  • Implementation of new online shops – August 2004 
    • Implementation of the
      new online shop
      www.lufft-messtechnik.de for professional weather measurement systems and www.gsg-messtechnik.de for industry and environmental monitoring

  • Extension of the facilities and investment in a private soil mechanics laboratory August 2005 –
    • Extension of the facilities and investment in a
      private soil mechanics laboratory due to the strong demand for subsoil and earthworks reports
  • – January 2005 
    • Implementation of the GSG BPM system at Ensinger Mineral-Heilquellen in Ensingen

  • Implementation of the new online shop for industrial measurement instruments– April 2009 
    • Implementation of the new online shop for industrial measurement instruments www.gsg-industrietechnik.de

  • – December 2009 
    • Implementation of the own GSG weather station software "GSG Meteocontrol" with online visualization (e.g. www.landshuter-wetter.de, www.ensinger-wetter.de, www.massinger-wetter.de) for the UMB-Profi-Line of the company Lufft

  • Exploration of mineral water October 2011 –
    • Exploration of mineral water from another well for the company RhönSprudel

  • Extensions of GSG weather station software – May 2011 
    • Extensions of GSG weather station software "GSG Meteocontrol" by modules for the landfill area

    • Start-up of the complete online visualization of Ludmilla-Wohnpark in Landshut with 2800 data points  in total and a private server.

  • Extension of the GSG BPM system– September 2012 
    • Extension of the GSG BPM system to a database-based RM system, implementation of a full online visualization of wells data at Ensinger Mineral-Heilquellen
since 2000: creation of over 200 geotechnical reports for residential & corporate buildings, production and storage halls, roads & bridges over 8,000 customers world wide are using measurement solutions from GSG